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Why is my pool water green and cloudy?
Cloudy Green Water

• There must always be a chlorine reading in the water.  ALWAYS.  Without sanitizer (chlorine) you are growing bacteria and algae and more bacteria and algae from that bacteria and algae.  Test the chlorine level daily.  A lot of the time we hear, “but I just shocked it yesterday”.  Which is great, but shock will last about a day, it will kill all it can and either leave the pool clear with a chlorine reading or get used up trying. 

• A treatment algaecide is a good idea.  BioGuard Back Up is designed to help the chlorine work more effectively in killing algae fast.  They are a great team.  If your pool is dark green something more powerful such as BioGuard Banish kills with the help of a specially formulated copper and prevents re-growth. 

• Shock and algaecide always work their best in good water chemistry.  Bring your water into our lab for an analysis (we need 1 pint).  If the pH or Total Alkalinity are too low (acidic) or too high (basic/alkaline) the performance of your chlorine and algae killers will be the first to be affected.

• If the pool has debris on the bottom it should be a priority in cleaning the pool up.  Vacuum the bottom of the pool then clean the filter of what was vacuumed.  If you cannot see to vacuum you could try to vacuum blindly.  Use the nets to scoop any large debris.  The cleaner the bottom is, the faster the water will clear.

• The filter is just that a FILTER meant to remove the fine particulates from the water.  It will clog in doing so.  Clean it so it can clean the pool water faster.  Keep in mind clogged filters that barely move water also do not move chemical throughout water, so if you are shocking the pool and that shock does not circulate because no one is babysitting the filter, you are wasting money.  We have another how-to sheet on filter cleanings depending on which filter you have.

• BRUSH!  Algae often times must attach itself to something.  Brush the bottom, brush the walls.  Even if you can’t see what you brushing…systematically brush!

• Everyday get out there and brush, shock if needed, vacuum and clean the filter.  Get your water tested and everyday you will see the water improve!

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