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Why is my pool water cloudy?
Cloudy Water

• Believe it or not a chlorine level that is much too high can cause cloudy water, it’s rare but if there is no debris on the pool bottom and no visible algae, check the level.

• Which brings us to our most common reason for cloudy water… no chlorine.  There must always be a chlorine reading in the water.  ALWAYS.  Without sanitizer (chlorine) you are now growing bacteria and eventually algae.  If you let a cloudy pool go for too long without treating it, it will turn to cloudy green.  Test the chlorine level daily.  A lot of the time we hear, “but I just shocked it yesterday”.  Which is great, but shock will last about a day, it will kill all the bacteria it can and either leave the pool clear with a chlorine reading or get used up trying.  

• Next is filtration.  If the chlorine level is good but the water is barely moving the filter cannot do its job.  The filter is just that a FILTER meant to remove the fine particulates from the water.  It will clog in doing so.  Clean it so it can clean the pool water faster.  Keep in mind clogged filters that barely move water also do not move chemical throughout water, so if you are shocking the pool and that shock does not circulate because no one is babysitting the filter, you are wasting money.

• If the pool has debris on the bottom it should be a priority in cleaning the pool up.  Vacuum the bottom of the pool then clean the filter of what was vacuumed.  The cleaner the bottom is, the faster the water will clear.

• If everything else is covered be sure to have the water tested in our lab.  Sometimes a higher than normal Calcium Hardness, pH or Total Alkalinity level will cloud water.   

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